Monday, May 6, 2013

True Blood Season 6 and Me

Also, while I'm here and being productive, my artwork will be featuring in the upcoming Season 6 of True Blood. If I remember rightly it will first appear is Episode 3, and my Frank Langella and Christopher Lee Dracula prints will be used as set decoration. Follow the links to my Etsy store.

New Artwork by the Bucketload

Over the next few days I'll be trying to bring the site smack up to date with all the new artwork I've done since the last time I was here. Gosh. Was it really that long ago? Anyway, there is a tonne of new stuff to come, and there is already some new stuff up already. Follow links to Etsy to buy any prints! No, really, buy some prints!

Did You Think I Was Dead?

Sorry to disappoint. Just been busy. But look here, Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have been busy too, and The World's End is nearly upon us. Here's the new UK Quad.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Bonus Barry Black Holiness

Yet another of those great score/duff film adventures for John Barry. Just stumbled over the news that Intrada are releasing his 1979 score with 20 minutes of previously unheard music. Head to Film Score Monthly for the complete lowdown.

No Sooner Did I Type It...

The always excellent DVD Beaver site has already got its hands on the Blu-ray of Straw Dogs as well as the upcoming 'Hellraiser', and 'Dressed to Kill' too. Head here for overviews and comparisons on the discs:

Siege of Trencher's Farm

Straw Dogs finally makes it's Blu-ray debut on September 6th. I'd almost given up hope with the amount of times it's appeared and then disappeared from schedules. It's an MGM release, so be prepared for a wealth of extras including 'a case' and 'a sleeve'. Word is that it only contains TV spots and a trailer, but I AM pinning on my hopes on it being better than the blurry, soft and foggy transfer that Anchor Bay trotted out twice on DVD. $16.99 pre-order from Amazon.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Exclusive in More than One Way

Forbidden Planet International, who are seriously inviting a visit from the Trades Description Act chaps have announced yet another Character Options Exclusive Doctor Who set. It looks great, but if you're releasing exclusives all the ruddy time, don't they feel less exclusive? Oh wait, exclusive means you can't buy them overseas, despite the 'International' bit, so it's excluding me from getting my hands on them. Now I see. Anyway, retailing at just shy of 34 quid, they'll be selling the Sontaran Experiment Set from the end of February. It contains a puzzled looking Tom Baker sculpt, minus the poorly concealed sling, Styre, and a Sontaran ship. Marvellous, if only I could buy one without being shafted on Ebay.