Friday, September 2, 2011

Bonus Barry Black Holiness

Yet another of those great score/duff film adventures for John Barry. Just stumbled over the news that Intrada are releasing his 1979 score with 20 minutes of previously unheard music. Head to Film Score Monthly for the complete lowdown.

No Sooner Did I Type It...

The always excellent DVD Beaver site has already got its hands on the Blu-ray of Straw Dogs as well as the upcoming 'Hellraiser', and 'Dressed to Kill' too. Head here for overviews and comparisons on the discs:

Siege of Trencher's Farm

Straw Dogs finally makes it's Blu-ray debut on September 6th. I'd almost given up hope with the amount of times it's appeared and then disappeared from schedules. It's an MGM release, so be prepared for a wealth of extras including 'a case' and 'a sleeve'. Word is that it only contains TV spots and a trailer, but I AM pinning on my hopes on it being better than the blurry, soft and foggy transfer that Anchor Bay trotted out twice on DVD. $16.99 pre-order from Amazon.